Bottoming out near Heron Island, a manta ray can hit much higher altitudes too.可以在鷺鷥島附近潛至最深處的鬼蝠魟,其實可以更上一層樓.But bottoming out is one thing, recovery another.但見底回升是一回事, 復蘇則是另一回事.We are bottoming and recovery will be much s...
We are bottoming and recovery will be much stronger in 2010.我們正在觸底回升,2010年的復蘇勢頭會強勁得多.I view that as very helpful and a real bottoming.我認為這很有幫助,也是真正的見底.But bottoming out is one thing, recovery another.但見底回升是一回事, 復蘇則是另一回事....