
阿卡英語 / 查找:bottoming” [共找到4條結(jié)果]
  • bottoming造句

    Bottoming out near Heron Island, a manta ray can hit much higher altitudes too.可以在鷺鷥島附近潛至最深處的鬼蝠魟,其實可以更上一層樓.But bottoming out is one thing, recovery another.但見底回升是一回事, 復蘇則是另一回事.We are bottoming and recovery will be much s...
  • bottoming怎么讀?

  • bottoming例句

    We are bottoming and recovery will be much stronger in 2010.我們正在觸底回升,2010年的復蘇勢頭會強勁得多.I view that as very helpful and a real bottoming.我認為這很有幫助,也是真正的見底.But bottoming out is one thing, recovery another.但見底回升是一回事, 復蘇則是另一回事....
  • bottoming是什么意思
