
阿卡英語 / 查找:bones” [共找到34條結(jié)果]
  • crossbones造句

    Skull and crossbones stickers on the drums aroused the suspicion of the customs officers.這些桶上貼著的骷髏標(biāo)志引起了海關(guān)官員的懷疑。They stamped a skull and crossbones on the labels of poisonous drugs.他們在毒藥標(biāo)簽上打上骷髏圖.The skull - and - crossbon...
  • boneset的音標(biāo)?

  • bonesetting怎么讀?

  • jawbones例句

    They have thin lips and papery eyelids, box jawbones, prominent Adam's apples and withered hearts.她們嘴唇纖薄,眼瞼象紙似的撲閃, 顎骨見棱見角, 喉結(jié)突出,心靈枯萎.Ceramic pots on top of jawbones. The pots may have held offerings for the afterlif...
  • boneshaker的音標(biāo)

  • boneset的意思

  • bones的音標(biāo)

  • bonesetter的音標(biāo)?

  • bones的意思

    n.骨骼,尸體,骨頭( bone的名詞復(fù)數(shù) ),尸骨,骨質(zhì)物,有…樣的骨頭的...
  • cheekbones造句

    ...high cheekbones and strong jawline.高顴骨和輪廓分明的下巴She was very beautiful, with high cheekbones.她顴骨高高的,非常漂亮。...her high, elegantly hollowed cheekbones.她凹陷有致的高顴骨He had an angular face with prominent cheekbones.他的臉棱角分明,顴骨突出。...
  • cheekbones的音標(biāo)

  • crossbones的音標(biāo)?

  • lazybones怎么讀

  • collarbones的意思

    n.鎖骨( collarbone的名詞復(fù)數(shù) )...
  • jawbones是什么意思?

    n.下頜骨( jawbone的名詞復(fù)數(shù) )...
  • lazybones造句

    They criticized the lazybones for playing up his slight illness.他們批評那個懶漢夸大自己的小病而不肯干活.Come on, lazybones, get up!趕快,你這懶骨頭,起床了!Only lazybones and mediocre persons could hanker after the days of messing together.只有懶漢庸才才會留戀那...
  • bones造句

    Some of them make no bones about their political views.他們中的一些人坦率地表達(dá)了自己的政治觀點。Her sallow skin was drawn tightly across the bones of her face.她那蠟黃的皮膚緊緊地包著臉上的骨頭。You can hear the saw as it cuts through the bones.你能聽到鋸子鋸進(jìn)骨頭里的聲...
  • lazybones例句

    Come on, lazybones, get up!趕快,你這懶骨頭,起床了!They criticized the lazybones for playing up his slight illness.他們批評那個懶漢夸大自己的小病而不肯干活.We tabbed him lazybones.我們叫他懶骨頭....
  • backbones例句

    Why do hummingbirds and gorillas both have backbones?為什么蜂鳥和大猩猩都有脊骨?They are vertebrates, that is, animals that have backbones.它們是脊椎動物, 即有脊骨的動物.Good service is our foundation and high quality drivers are our backbones.優(yōu)質(zhì)服...
  • jawbones怎么讀?

  • breastbones什么意思

    n.胸骨( breastbone的名詞復(fù)數(shù) )...
  • collarbones怎么讀?

  • collarbones造句

    I broke my collarbones and hips , Mears, but I'm getting there.我弄斷了鎖骨, 不過我就快到了....
  • cheekbones什么意思

    n.面頰骨,顴骨( cheekbone的名詞復(fù)數(shù) )...
  • breastbones的音標(biāo)

  • backbones的音標(biāo)?

  • backbones的意思

    n.骨干( backbone的名詞復(fù)數(shù) ),脊骨,骨氣,脊骨狀物...
  • bones造句

    The foxes come and scavenge the bones.狐貍過來尋覓骨頭。Older drivers are more likely to be seriously injured because of the fragility of their bones.老司機(jī)由于骨骼脆化更有可能受重傷。Ask the butcher for soup bones (marrow bones are best).跟肉鋪老板要煲...
  • boneshaker什么意思

  • cheekbones造句

    She was very beautiful, with high cheekbones.她顴骨高高的,非常漂亮。There were pouches under the eyes, the skin sagged from the cheekbones.眼眶下面有皺紋,雙頰的皮肉松弛.He had an angular face with prominent cheekbones.他的臉棱角分明,顴骨突出。...