The media bombards all of us with images of violence and drugs and sex.媒體上關(guān)于暴力、毒品和性的畫面充斥著我們的視線。Tolstoy bombards you with twenty - two names.托爾斯泰一下子就拋給你 二十二 個人名.Bombards an area with rockets, stunning enemy land units and...
The media bombards all of us with images of violence and drugs and sex...媒體上關(guān)于暴力、毒品和性的畫面充斥著我們的視線。Bombards an area with rockets, stunning enemy land units and damaging nearby enemy units.Bombards的地區(qū),火箭彈, 令敵人的土地的單位和毀壞了附近的敵...