...bittersweet memories of his first appearance for the team.他首次代表球隊登場亮相時苦樂參半的記憶And so their tale is a bittersweet ballad of love and hate.因此他們的故事就如同一首愛恨交織、苦中有甜的抒情詩.That looks like a victory forconservation, albeit a bit...
Darker roasts, in contrast, have a fuller flavor approaching a bittersweet tang.深度烘焙, 比較而言, 苦甜參半的風味更加濃郁.That looks like a victory forconservation, albeit a bittersweet one.這看似動物保育工作的巨大成就,不過其中卻有隱憂.And so their tale is a b...