demand的近義詞/同義詞有:inquire, know, ask, want, to, want, require, for, need, call, supply, furnish, call, sale, require, question, ask, claim, requirement, need, exaction, obligation, want, petition, insist, query, provision,...
expand的反義詞有:contract, shrink, abridge, shrink, condense, shorten, contract。vt. & vi.expand的反義詞(展開;):contract, shrink, abridge。expand的反義詞(其他釋義):shrink, condense, shorten, contract。...
Evaluate the evenhanded affirms valence can reflect investment both sides more, justice.評估確認價更能體現(xiàn)投資雙方的公允 、 公正.The company holds some trading value of evenhanded of sexual finance capital appears to drop considerably.公司持有...
Adventure: The bariaur's wanderlust makes them an ideal adventurer.冒險: 半人羊的漫游癖使得他們成為理想的冒險者.This wanderlust is growing among students, too.這種“出國欲”也正在學生當中滋長.If your birthday falls on April 25, you will be positively o...
land的近義詞/同義詞有:surface, sod, earth, ground, shore, soil, alight, perch, down, arrive, descend, touch, light, reach, soil, country, holding, alight, kingdom, quarter, territory, earth, estate, ground, down, field, arrive, ...
abandon的反義詞有:maintain, conserve, retain, assume, maintain, protect, grasp, preserve, acquire, attempt, conserve, retain, achieve, support。vt.abandon的反義詞(丟棄;遺棄;放棄):maintain, conserve, retain。abandon的反義詞(其他釋義):assume, main...
abandon的近義詞/同義詞有:quit, desert, forsake, entirely, withdraw, leave, up, give, discontinue, cease, surrender, depart, evacuate, discard, relinquish, undone, quit, abdicate, surrender, relinquish, cede, cease, desist, forsa...
The car passed over the body twice, once backward and then forward.那輛車把那人來回軋了兩次,先是倒著軋的,再是往前開著軋的。The film starts off realistically and then develops into a ridiculous fantasy.電影以寫實開頭,然后卻發(fā)展成為荒誕的幻想。Fluorescent lights flicke...
secondhand的近義詞/同義詞有:borrowed, taught, learned, picked-up, worn, used, new, superannuated, not, pre-owned, owned, old, antiquated, antique, hand-me-down。adj.secondhand的近義詞(博學的):borrowed, taught, learned, picked-up。secondh...
He didn't just command. He personally fought in several heavy battles.他不僅僅發(fā)號施令,還身先士卒參加了幾次激戰(zhàn)。I left a sergeant in command and rode forward to reconnoitre.我留下一名中士指揮,自己策馬前去偵察敵情。Dividing his command, Morgan assailed bot...
To satisfy his hunger, he ate a candy bar.他吃了根條糖充饑.That's why a candy bar is a good source of quick energy.這就是為什么糖塊是又快又好的能量來源.Annie brought me this candy bar all the way from Rome.安妮給我從羅馬遠道帶來的這個糖果棒....
Also known as Darwin's beetle, the Chilean stag's extraordinary mandibles help it attract a female mate.也叫做達爾文甲蟲, 智利鹿角蟲驚人的下顎幫助它吸引異性.They strip it with their mandibles and pack it into the pollen baskets on thei...
The ultimate aim is to expand the network further.最終目的是為了進一步拓展該網(wǎng)絡。I owned a bookshop and desired to expand the business.我擁有一家書店,想要擴大業(yè)務。Metals expand when they are heated.金屬受熱會膨脹。...
now and again的音標:now and again的英式發(fā)音音標為:[nau ?nd ?'ɡen]now and again的美式發(fā)音音標為:[na? ?nd ?'ɡ?n]...
Rebels surrounded the city's landward sides.叛軍包圍了該市的近陸地區(qū)。There are numerous deep tidal channels herefanning out landward.這里有許多深深的潮汐水道向著陸地成扇形分布.Landward, miles of rough grass marshes melt into low uplands.數(shù)英里的泥濘難走的沼澤...
English has hurt me a thousand times, but I still regard it as my first love.英語傷我千百遍,我待英語如初戀。"How much is he paying you?" — "Oh, five thousand." —"Not bad."“他給你多少錢?”——“哦,5,000?!薄巴Σ诲e嘛?!盪p to twenty thousand students pai...
Belinda was always attracted to men with an androgynous quality to them.貝琳達常能以自己的中性特質(zhì)令男人傾心。The style was quite androgynous.這種風格較為中性。In the last chapter Woolf touched the possibility of an androgynous mind.在最后一章,伍爾夫談到了所謂“...
It is important that persons involved in day - to - day logistics work have abasic understanding of logistics.重要的是,從事一樣平常物流事情的人員答對物流有個基本的了解.They built a robot capable of understanding spoken commands.他們制造了一個能懂口頭指令的機器人。Tr...
and的音標:and的英式發(fā)音音標為:[?nd]and的美式發(fā)音音標為:[?nd, ?n,?nd]...