Aircraft production continued to plod along at an agonizingly slow pace.飛機制造業(yè)仍舊舉步維艱,發(fā)展速度之緩很讓人頭疼。Progress was agonizingly slow.進展的緩慢讓人備受煎熬。an agonizingly slow process極其緩慢的過程...
Perhaps he was agonizing over the moral issues involved.也許他正在為其中牽扯的道德問題而傷腦筋。This is a torturous, agonizing way to kill someone.這是一種讓人受盡折磨、痛苦難忍的殺人方法。He watched helplessly as his mother died an agonizing death.他無助地看著母親痛苦地死...
He now faced an agonizing decision about his immediate future.他這時候面臨著一個關系到他不久的將來的痛苦抉擇。For one agonizing moment, the dish was perched precariously on the bank of the canal, but It'suddenly overbalanced and slid back ...
Your extravagance and desire to party are antagonizing to the prudent Bull.你過于奢侈鋪張,這與謹慎小心的金牛格格不入.Conclusion: CVB - D has antagonizing effects on anesthetic dogs with experimental myocardial ischemia.結論: CVB-D對犬冠脈結扎所致的心肌缺...
The tortoise crept along at an agonizingly slow speed.烏龜以極其緩慢的速度爬行著.Aircraft production continued to plod along at an agonizingly slow pace.飛機制造業(yè)仍舊舉步維艱,發(fā)展速度之緩很讓人頭疼。Progress was agonizingly slow.進展的緩慢讓人備受煎熬。an agonizingly...