This vast archive has been indexed and made accessible to researchers.這個存量巨大的檔案室的所有文件都已編了索引,可供研究人員使用。The causeway to the island is only accessible at low tide.通往該島的堤道只有在枯潮時才能通行。The Centre is easily accessible to the gene...
accessible的反義詞有:inaccessible, inaccessible。adj.accessible的反義詞(容易接近的;易取得的):inaccessible。accessible的反義詞(其他釋義):inaccessible。...
accessible的近義詞/同義詞有:procurable, accomplishable, obtainable, hand, probable, reachable, likely, handy, possible, achievable, attainable, conceivable, available, at, compassable, affable, easy-going, companionable, polite,...
We gained a rich supply of data which would normally be inaccessible.我們得到了通常難以獲取的大量數(shù)據(jù)。Parts of the forest are still dense and inaccessible.森林的一些部分仍然很茂密,人跡罕至。They live in a remote area, inaccessible except by car.他們住在一處偏遠...
inaccessible的近義詞/同義詞有:reach, out, unreachable, of, out-of-the-way, unapproachable, impassable, impenetrable, out-of-the-way, unapproachable, accessible。adj.inaccessible的近義詞(不能達到的):reach, out, unreachable, of, out-of-the-...
The route took us through scenery quite inaccessible to the motorist.這條路線帶我們穿越了駕車者難以抵達的風景區(qū)。...a stretch of sandy beach that was almost inaccessible from the land.從陸路幾乎難以到達的一片沙灘Beholders prefer inaccessible locations that...
Oil, tapped from offshore rigs, would be more accessible.用海上鉆臺開采石油可能比較容易做到.The Centre is easily accessible to the general public.該中心普通大眾可隨意進入。Her poetry is always very accessible.她的詩總是通俗易懂。Story - telling presupposes lin...