
阿卡英語 / 查找:Tidiness” [共找到4條結果]
  • Tidiness的音標?

  • Tidiness例句

    I'm very impressed by your tidiness and order.你的整潔、有條理給我留下了很深的印象。Employees are expected to maintain a high standard of tidiness in their dress and appearance.員工們要保持著裝和儀表高度整潔。I'm afraid tidiness is not his stron...
  • Tidiness造句

    I'm afraid tidiness is not his strong point , ie he is untidy.我看他這個人不大講究整潔.Tidiness in the workshop is really essential for producing good work...工作間干凈整潔對于生產出好的產品非常重要。Employees are expected to maintain a high standa...
  • Tidiness是什么意思?
