Above all Susie is a great survivor, with a bright, indomitable spirit.總之,蘇茜不畏艱難,開朗樂觀、不屈不撓。Susie is very grown - up for her age.相對她的年齡來說蘇西非常成熟.Susie, you're a determined little devil.蘇茜,你真是個堅決的小家伙。...
abbr.surface and underwater ship-intercept equipment 水面和水下船只截取設備...
Susie, you're a determined little devil.蘇茜,你真是個堅決的小家伙。Susie cried quarts, I know she did.蘇姍淚流滿面, 我知道她會這樣的.Susie is very grown-up for her age.相對她的年齡來說蘇西非常成熟。Susie is very grown - up for her age.相對她的年齡來說蘇西非常成熟.Above a...