
阿卡英語 / 查找:CAL” [共找到3831條結(jié)果]
  • critiCAL的近義詞/同義詞有哪些

    critical的近義詞/同義詞有:pressing, urgent, crucial, decisive, faultfinding, carping, captious, censorious, caviling, disapproving, decisive, fussy, cynical, exacting, risky, pressing, precarious, discerning, particular, imperat...
  • CALceolaria造句

    Snapdragons , calceolaria and larkspur will drop their floret rapidly.金魚草, 蒲包花和翠雀花的小花迅速脫落.Snap dragons , calceolaria and lark spur will drop their florets rapidly.金魚草,蒲包花和翠雀花的小花將迅速脫落....
  • CALlous的音標(biāo)?

  • critiCAL的反義詞

    critical的反義詞有:approbatory, uncritical, complimentary, complimentary, uncritical, approbatory。adj.critical的反義詞(批評的;愛挑剔的):approbatory, uncritical, complimentary。critical的反義詞(其他釋義):complimentary, uncritical, approbatory。...
  • authentiCALly怎么讀

  • economiCAL的近義詞/同義詞有哪些

    economical的近義詞/同義詞有:budget, low-cost, money-saving, low-budget, cost-effective, economy, high-yield, scrimping, penny-wise, parsimonious, saving, sparing, efficient, frugal, provident, thrifty, economizing, chary, pruden...
  • comiCAL的近義詞/同義詞

    comical的近義詞/同義詞有:amusing, funny, humorous, amusing, funny, zany, comic, humorous, entertaining。adj.comical的近義詞(滑稽的;奇妙的):amusing, funny, humorous。comical的近義詞(其他釋義):amusing, funny, zany, comic, humorous, entertaining。...
  • CALvert造句

    This paper outlined an analysis of a skewed box calvert by thick shell finite element method.本文提出了斜交箱形涵橋厚殼元分析方法....a course that diverged from the Calvert Island coastline...從卡爾弗特島海岸線叉開的一條路The tug was seaward of the Haka...
  • pharmaceutiCAL的意思?

  • sCALp的音標(biāo)?

  • illogiCAL例句

    She has an illogical fear of insects.她毫無道理地害怕昆蟲。Although strictly illogical, Martin's interpretation of this paradox seems the best.馬丁對于這一悖論的解釋盡管嚴格說來不合乎邏輯, 卻似乎是最好的解釋了.She may think your reaction is crazy or illogica...
  • CALm的音標(biāo)

  • ethiCAL例句

    The prime minister has a blind spot on ethical issues.這位首相無視道德問題。My involvement has not been altogether, shall we say, ethical.可以說,我的參與還不是完全合乎道德。The consultancy offers advice on ethical tax-shelters.這家咨詢公司教人如何合理避稅。...
  • voCAL chord是什么意思

  • esCALate造句

    Costs can escalate terrifyingly.成本的上漲速度會很驚人。Ground rents are likely to escalate over time.地租以后可能會逐漸上漲。Conditions are still very tense and the fighting could escalate at any time.局勢仍然非常緊張,戰(zhàn)斗隨時可能升級。...
  • comiCAL造句

    They looked rather comical as they crawled up precarious ladders.他們順著搖搖晃晃的梯子往上爬,看起來非?;vents took a comical turn.事態(tài)出現(xiàn)了有趣的轉(zhuǎn)折。He is a faintly comical figure who fears being made fun of.他是個害怕被別人取笑的有點兒滑稽的人物....
  • univoCAL的音標(biāo)?

  • CALlous的最高級怎么寫

    callous的最高級為:most callous...
  • CALtrop的音標(biāo)?

  • cartographiCAL造句

    For cartographical purposes heights are necessarily recorded above the geoid ( sea - level ).就制圖的目的來說,所以需記錄的高程是高出大地水準(zhǔn)面 ( 海平面 ) 的高程....
  • voCALs造句

    Johnson now sings backing vocals for Mica Paris.約翰遜現(xiàn)在為邁卡·帕里斯伴唱。Sharon also sang backing vocals for Barry Manilow.莎倫也為巴里·馬尼洛伴唱。...wailing, off-key vocals and strangled guitars...悲戚走調(diào)的歌聲與哽咽的吉他聲Sharon also sang backing voca...
  • aerostatiCAL的音標(biāo)

  • desCALer怎么讀

  • sCALe的音標(biāo)?

  • reciproCALs的音標(biāo)

  • vertiCAL造句

    For some buildings a vertical section is more informative than a plan.有些建筑的立面圖能比平面圖提供更多的信息。The gadget can be attached to any vertical surface.這小玩意兒可以粘在任何垂直表面上。The gadget can be attached to any vertical or near vertical s...
  • CALomel是什么意思

  • mechaniCALness是什么意思?

  • chemiCAL bond例句

    The adhensive forces were found to be related to the metal to oxygen chemical - bond energy.已經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn),粘著力與金屬-氧的化學(xué)結(jié)合能有關(guān).Chemical bond mainly includes electrovalent bonds , covalent bonds, and metalic bonds.化學(xué)鍵主要有離子鍵 、 共價鍵 、 金屬...
  • hydrophysiCAL怎么讀?
