
阿卡英語 / 查找:Buenos” [共找到2條結果]
  • Buenos造句

    ...the Argentinian capital, Buenos Aires.阿根廷首都,布宜諾斯艾利斯Freight prepaid to Buenos aires in transit to Asuncion Paraguay.運費付至布宜諾斯艾利斯,再轉運到巴拉圭的亞松森.Haiti becomes a signatory to the Buenos Aires copyright treaty.1919年,海地成為布宜諾斯艾...
  • Buenos造句

    Buenos Aires itself was depressing.布宜諾斯艾利斯本是一片蕭條景象.The children " disappeared " with their parents when security forces invaded their home in Buenos Aires.孩子們在安全部隊攻擊他們布宜諾斯艾利斯的家時隨著父母 " 失蹤 " 了.A bridge collapsed in Buenos ...