Antonio has a contagious enthusiasm for the beautiful aspect of food.安東尼奧對食品賞心悅目這一方面的熱情非常有感染性。The road snaked through forested mountains, past the village of San Antonio.這條路在林木覆蓋的山上蜿蜒前行,經(jīng)過圣安東尼奧村。Antonio looked at him dis...
The San Antonio plant can produce 200,000 full - size Tundra pickup trucks a year.圣安東尼奧工廠的Tundra年產(chǎn)能是20萬輛.The San Antonio class Landing Platform Dock ( LPD ) hit the fleet in 2006.圣安東尼級登陸艦已在2006年服役.According to that scrip...