他14歲起就知道自己日后干什么了。He knew what he wanted to do from the age of 14.目前,14歲以下兒童不允許進酒吧。At present children under 14 are not permitted in bars.1988至1991年間,該委員會舉行了14次會議。The commission met 14 times between 1988 and 1991....
He knew what he wanted to do from the age of 14.他14歲起就知道自己日后干什么了。At present children under 14 are not permitted in bars.目前,14歲以下兒童不允許進酒吧。The commission met 14 times between 1988 and 1991.1988至1991年間,該委員會舉行了14次會議。...
這座14世紀的大教堂變成了一堆瓦礫。The fourteenth century cathedral was reduced to a mass of rubble.在英格蘭,14世紀的法衣似乎是綠色的.In England judicial robes seem to have been green in the fourteenth century.14世紀的歐洲,鼠疫的流行在短短幾年內奪去了大約 三分之一 人口的生命.In fou...