“龍骨”的英語可以翻譯為:a bird's sternum,[中藥] fossil fragments,keel ...
每次龍骨觸地的時候你都能感受到船體所受的壓力。You sense the stresses in the hull each time the keel meets the ground.這船的龍骨是鋼制的.The keel of the boat was made of steel.船殼由龍骨向外彎曲至甲板處.The sides of a ship flare from the keel to the deck....
“龍骨”的拼音為:lóng gǔ...
“內(nèi)龍骨”的英語可以翻譯為:[船] keelson,kelson,inner keel ...
這艘雙人龍骨船的特點在于它相對較小的船艙和靈活的桅桿.This two - person keelboat is known for its relative small cockpit and its flexible mast....
“龍骨船”的英語可以翻譯為:keel ...
“龍骨墩”的英語可以翻譯為:keel block,building block,keelblocks ...
“內(nèi)龍骨”的拼音為:nèi lóng gǔ...
“龍骨船”的拼音為:lóng gǔ chuán...