你肯定忘了關(guān)浴室的龍頭了。You must have left a tap running in the bathroom.水從龍頭里噴濺著注入水池.Water splashed into the bucket from the tap.這個(gè)龍頭太緊, 擰不開(kāi).This tap is stiff; it won't turn on....
“龍頭”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:tap,cock tap,faucet,bib(b)cock,cock ...
“水龍頭”的拼音為:shuǐ lóng tóu...
水龍頭似乎是用純金制成的。The taps appeared to be made of solid gold.我更換了水龍頭再次接通了自來(lái)水。I replaced the taps and reconnected the water supply.你忘了關(guān)浴缸的水龍頭了 嗎 ?Have you left the bath running?...
“水龍頭”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:stopcock,hydrovalve,swivel (鉆探),fuller faucet,hydrant ...
請(qǐng)開(kāi)大龍頭以增加水流量.Turn the cock to increase the flow of water.請(qǐng)開(kāi)大“龍頭”以增加水流量.Turn the cock to increase the flow water....
“龍頭”的拼音為:lóng tóu...