甲類傳染病是指:鼠疫、霍亂.A Class infectious diseases shall include plague and cholera....
“鼠疫”的拼音為:shǔ yì...
“鼠疫”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:pestis,pestilence,plague ...
鼠疫的爆發(fā)an outbreak of plague鼠疫曾一度可以?shī)Z走整個(gè)村莊村民的生命.The plague once could wipe out a village.1665年倫敦爆發(fā)了腺鼠疫.Bubonic plague struck London in 1665....
“腺鼠疫”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] bubonic plague,glandular plague,pestis bubonica,yeki ...
1665年倫敦爆發(fā)了腺鼠疫.Bubonic plague struck London in 1665.攜帶經(jīng)由跳蚤從嚙齒動(dòng)物到人類, 腺鼠疫不能通過(guò)人傳人.Carried by fleas from rodents to humans, bubonic plague cannot pass from human to human....