“默認”的拼音為:mò rèn...
默認選項通常是大多數(shù)用戶都會選擇的設置。The default is usually the setting that most users would probably choose.他們都遵守著那條約束他們所有人的默認規(guī)則——要守口如瓶。They obey the one unwritten rule that binds them all—no talking.史蒂夫好像默認了這個決定。Steve seemed to acquie...
他這一笑, 是一種令人毛骨悚然的冷笑, 是一種表示默認的冷笑.It was in some strange way, a chilling smile, of assent.莎士比亞對于分歧并不是采取默認的態(tài)度.Shakespeare did not acquiesce in discrepancy.只有當他們無法找到低估品時,又會回到默認的方式——持有現(xiàn)金.Only when they cannot find bargains sho...
“默認”的英語可以翻譯為:give tacit consent to,tacitly approve,acquiesce in,default...
其他人或是深信, 或是默認地跟著他們跑.Others follow their lead, either by conviction or by default....
“默認地”的英語可以翻譯為:acquiescently ...
“默認的”的英語可以翻譯為:acquiescent,tolerant ...