汽船向我們嘟嘟鳴笛時,甲板上的水手們饒有趣味地揮著手。Steamers tooted at us as sailors on deck waved in amusement.火車突然鳴笛, 那匹馬受驚脫逃.Startled by the sudden whistle of the train, the horse broke away.火車鳴笛開走了.The train whistled and steamed off....
發(fā)令員鳴響起跑槍.The starter fired his starting gun.鐘聲開始鳴響了.The bell began pealing.“ 江津 ”號昂奮而深沉的鳴響著汽笛向前方航進.Sounding her deep, resonant siren , the S . S . Jiangjin forges ahead....
“鳴響”的英語可以翻譯為:tingle,peal,hoot,resound ...
“蜂鳴器”的英語可以翻譯為:uzzer,hummer,trembler,buzzer phone ...
“表飛鳴”的英語可以翻譯為:iofermin ...
“鳥鳴聲”的英語可以翻譯為:chirm,twitter ...
“表飛鳴”的拼音為:biǎo fēi míng...
“悲鳴”的英語可以翻譯為:utter sad calls,lament,sad cry,[電影]Living Death...
政治攻擊只有在選民中引起共鳴才會有作用。Political attacks work only if they find an echo with voters.這個病人從閱讀游記中得到共鳴之樂.The invalid received vicarious pleasure from reading travel stories.自那以后他們再也無法引起觀眾的共鳴.Since then, they lost their ability ...
“振鳴”的英語可以翻譯為:[電] singing ...
“羊鳴音”的英語可以翻譯為:egophony,tragophonia,tragophony ...
“鳴叫”的英語可以翻譯為:leat,moo,tweet ...
“奏鳴曲”的英語可以翻譯為:sonata ...
“鳴管”的拼音為:míng guǎn...
卡車倒車和掉頭的時候,我聽見發(fā)動機的轟鳴聲。I heard the engines revving as the lorries backed and turned.他們不時地聽到大卡車的轟鳴聲。Now and then they heard the roar of a heavy truck.聽到發(fā)動機的轟鳴聲,杰克猛地抬起了頭。Jake's head jerked up at the throb of the engine...
“牛鳴”的英語可以翻譯為:lowing ...
“共鳴”的英語可以翻譯為:[物] resonance,resonate,sympathy,sympathetic response,sympathize ...
“鳴鐘”的拼音為:míng zhōng...
花園里萬紫千紅,鳥鳴嚶嚶。The gardens blazed with colour and throbbed with birdsong.鳥鳴報曉.The singing of the birds heralded in the day.鳥鳴聲不時打破林中的寂靜.Now and then a bird's song broke in upon the silence of the wood....
“鳴笛”的英語可以翻譯為:whistle,blow ...
我 耳鳴.My ears are tingling [ humming ; ringing ; singing ] .我有些耳鳴.My ears are singing.他的耳鳴已1個月有余.His ears have been buzzing for more than a month....
變速箱隨著加速傳來一陣轟鳴。Acceleration is accompanied by a resonating growl from the gearbox.發(fā)動機轟鳴著,車子猛然沖出去。The engine roared, and the vehicle leapt forward.汽車在車轍縱橫的街上一路轟鳴。The car growls along rutted streets....
本課程獲有關(guān)學生許可引用有關(guān)評論,特此鳴謝.Each write - up is courtesy of the student named , and used with permission.鳴謝將發(fā)送給經(jīng)挑選的申請人只.Acknowledgement will be sent to short - applicants only.如果你論文寫作中接受過別人的明確幫助, 你應當鳴謝.If you received specific ...
“共鳴的”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] resonant ...
“鳴謝”的拼音為:míng xiè...
“鐘鳴鳥”的英語可以翻譯為:ellbird ...
“耳鳴”的拼音為:ěr míng...
“齊鳴”的英語可以翻譯為:salvo,volley ...