“餡餅”的拼音為:xiàn bǐng...
它非常適合做蛋糕和軟布丁的餡兒。It makes a superb filling for cakes and sponges.但拔先生的餐盤里盛滿了填餡的比目魚。Mr. Dambar had loaded his plate with stuffed flounder.在每個薄煎餅上攤上一些餡。Spread some of the filling over each pancake....
“餡糕”的拼音為:xiàn gāo...
“餡糕”的英語可以翻譯為:patty,pattie ...
“肉餡”的英語可以翻譯為:meat stuffing,chopped meat,ground meat ...
“肉餡”的拼音為:ròu xiàn...
我們可以買些牛肉餡來做烤肉餅和漢堡包.We can have some ground up for meat loaf and hamburger.我最愛吃肉餡兒包子.I love to eat steamed buns with minced meat stuffing.這儀器中文名叫 “ 餃子 ”, 意思是肉餡面食.It is called " Jiaozi " in Chinese, it means meat dumpling....
我吃了添加了許多奶油的大黃小餡餅.I had rhubarb tart with a lot of cream.我把肉丸填成小餡餅所以它更像是一種肉糕.I formed my meatballs into patties so they actually are more like individual meat loaves.現(xiàn)在那乞丐從屋子的另一頭叫喊著: 你知道小餡餅 嗎 ?Now the old bum was shouting...
“果餡餅”的拼音為:guǒ xiàn bǐng...
“小餡餅”的拼音為:xiǎo xiàn bǐng...
“餡餅”的英語可以翻譯為:pie,meat pie,pasty,pa lé ...
捏合餡餅時,要弄濕兩張餅皮粘連的地方。When assembling the pie, wet the edges where the two crusts join.用刀子繞餡餅邊沿刻小鋸齒。Using a knife, make slight indentations around the edges of the pastry.她把烤箱加熱,準(zhǔn)備把餡餅放進(jìn)去。She lit the oven, preparatory to put...
“果餡餅”的英語可以翻譯為:tart,flan ...
再吃一點果餡餅。Have some more flan.我決定做些吃茶點時吃的果餡餅.I decided to make some tarts for tea.百果餡餅: 在節(jié)日里隨處可見的甜水果餡餅.Mince pies: Sweet fruity pies that everywhere in the holiday period....
“小餡餅”的英語可以翻譯為:ouchée,patty ...