“雕刻刀”的英語可以翻譯為:graver ...
“雕刻物”的英語可以翻譯為:carving ...
他們最終來到一扇雕刻精美的對開門前。Eventually they reached a pair of ornately carved doors.此件雕刻精美,背面有花飾圖案.It was prettily engraved with flowers on the back.最著名的藝術家之一是英國的雕刻師格林林·吉本斯.One of the most famous artists was the English carver Gri...
“雕刻”的近義詞/同義詞:雕琢, 鐫刻, 雕鏤, 琢磨, 雕塑。...
“雕刻術”的英語可以翻譯為:carving,engraving ...
這桌子裝飾有很多雕刻物.The desk was ornamented with many carvings.它用畫 ( 優(yōu)美的雕刻物 ) 裝飾著.It is ornamented with paintings ( with delicate carvings )....
“雕刻”的英語可以翻譯為:grave,carve,sculpture,carving,enchase ...
“雕刻”的拼音為:diāo kè...
“雕刻家”的英語可以翻譯為:sculptor ...
珠寶 、 花瓶和雕刻品是裝飾品.Jewelry, vases and carved pieces are ornaments.相關分類: 石雕,雕刻品, 墓碑,紀念碑, 雕刻品.Various kinds of roman sculpture & carving products: bust , statue fountainpillar, both tub.我們把雕刻品加以并排以得到最好的效果.We tried to juxtapos...
畫家和雕刻家被分開,分別做了索引。Painters and sculptors are indexed separately.他們的雕刻家塑造了無數(shù)個她的形象.Their sculptors carved countless figures of her.雕刻家把大理石塊鑿成優(yōu)美的雕像.The sculptor chiselled the lump of marble into a fine statue....
史密斯先生在鉆石上雕刻小平面的精湛技巧真是了不起.The skill with which Mr. Smith faceted the diamond is remarkable.在大理石上雕刻是困難的.It is difficult to engrave in marble.那棟古老建筑的門廊上雕刻了奇形怪狀的臉.Grotesque faces are carved over the doorway of the old buildi...
無法確定這一雕刻的年代,連石頭本身的年代都難以判斷。You cannot date the carving and it is difficult to date the stone itself.中國當代雕刻工藝師沈為眾雕刻的象牙佛像是世界上最小的雕刻.這個象牙佛像只有一粒米的 五分之四 大.The ivory Buddha carved by Shen Weizhong, a contemporary Chinese sculpto...
最著名的藝術家之一是英國的雕刻師格林林·吉本斯.One of the most famous artists was the English carver Grinling Gibbons.這位雕刻師急忙轉過身來.The carver turned round hurriedly.雕刻師制出了雕像的毛坯.The sculptor roughed out the form his statue should take....
“雕刻的”的英語可以翻譯為:carven,glyptic,graven,sculptural,incised ...
“雕刻品”的英語可以翻譯為:carving,marble ...
卡蘿爾又在捉摸著桌上那把雕刻刀了.Carol again studied the carving - knife on the table.雕刻刀: 雕刻銅版用的槽形鋼刀.Graver: V - shaped steel cutting tool used by engravers . Also called burin.雕刻刀: 雕版專用的尖鋼刀.Burin: A pointed engraver's steel tool ...