女孩子們拿著桶和鏟子在沙灘上快活地玩耍。The girls happily played in the sand with buckets and spades.鏟子插入了一叢長勢旺盛的灌木叢。The spade sank into a clump of overgrown bushes.他們帶著桶和鏟子在沙灘上玩。They were playing on the beach with their buckets and spades ...
孩子們在沙灘上用小鏟子挖洞.The child scooped holes in the sand.他們使用刷子 、 小鏟子 、 甚至烤肉簽子, 把每塊遺骨都留在土基上.They used brushes, trowels, even satay sticks, leaving bone perched on a pedestal of earth.只見它拿著一把小鏟子把雞蛋糕地四周涂上了一層白白地奶油結(jié)果.I saw he was c...