“遮蔽”的反義詞:暴露, 顯露。...
這里的海岸線屬于世界上最無遮蔽的一段了。This is some of the most exposed coastline in the world.樹叢把這幢房子遮蔽得很密實.A grove of trees shadowed the house densely.草被巨大的橡樹所遮蔽.The grass is shadowed by huge oaks....
“遮蔽物”的英語可以翻譯為:veil ...
“遮蔽”的拼音為:zhē bì...
“遮蔽”的近義詞/同義詞:遮蓋, 遮掩, 掩藏, 掩蔽, 遮擋, 掩瞞, 掩飾, 隱瞞。...
河流的兩岸被棉花樹和紅木樹遮蔽住了。Its banks were shaded by cottonwood and redwood trees....
“遮蔽”的英語可以翻譯為:hide from view,cover,screen,obstruct,close over ...
然后,研究人員改變程序,讓機器蟑螂喜歡較亮的遮蔽處.Then researchers changed the programs and machine cockroaches liked brighter shelter better.我看見六只蜜蜂, 排隊找遮蔽處.I see six bees, waiting for the lees.如果這些遮蔽處的質量都一樣, 那么蟑螂選擇去哪一處是隨機的.If the quality of t...
服裝: 人體的遮蔽物, 或衣服和配件.Dress: Covering, or clothing and accessories, for the human Body.金屬瓦楞遮蔽物既便宜,又堅固.Metal bossed shields are cheap and rugged.知道黑暗僅僅是遮蔽物.Know that darkness is only a veil....