我用速記法把他的評論記錄了下來。I took down his comments in shorthand.用速記記錄某事to take sth down in shorthand速記和打字被說成是一對孿生技巧.Shorthand and typewriting have been described as the twin arts....
我用速記法把他的評論記錄了下來。I took down his comments in shorthand.本用速記法記筆記。Ben took notes in shorthand.他用速記法記筆記.He took the notes in shorthand....
警察局速記員逐字記下了那個人的供詞.The police stenographer recorded the man's confession word by word.法庭速記員記錄下了審判進程.The court stenographer registered the trial proceedings.速記員可能是旅館的職工,也可能是某一受讓人的雇員.The stenographer may be either a ho...
“速記法”的英語可以翻譯為:stenography,[法] shorthand ...
“速記”的英語可以翻譯為:shorthand,short hand,stenography,take sth. down in shorthand,phonography ...
“速記”的拼音為:sù jì...
“速記員”的英語可以翻譯為:stenographer ...