他來到花園門口,擠了進(jìn)去。He reached the garden gate and thrust his way through it.格雷絲輕輕敲了敲臥室的門,走了進(jìn)去。Grace tapped on the bedroom door and went in.我會(huì)偷偷溜進(jìn)去,輕手輕腳地查看一下二樓。I would creep in and with stealthy footsteps explore the second-flo...
這位上校樣子挺神氣, 他的嘴巴 、 雙頰和兩眼都深深地凹進(jìn)去, 目光黯淡, 象發(fā)了霉似的.The colonel was gorgeous, he had a cavernous mouth, cavernous cheeks, cavernous, sad, mildewed eyes.外面的空氣將桶壁壓得凹進(jìn)去了.The air outside pre ed the side in.外面的空氣將桶壁壓患上凹進(jìn)去了.The air o...