“辛苦”的英語可以翻譯為:hard,toilsome,work hard,go to great trouble,hardship ...
“辛苦的”的英語可以翻譯為:hard,laborious,painstaking,toilsome,back-busting ...
摘水果的工作無聊,報酬低,還非常辛苦。Fruit-picking is boring, badly paid and very hard work.辛苦了一天后她想喝上一杯。She felt like a drink after a hard day.單身父母扮演雙親的角色非常辛苦。Single parents cope heroically in doing the job of two people....
“辛苦地”的英語可以翻譯為:hard,hardy ...
“辛苦”的反義詞:舒適, 輕松, 甘甜, 快活。...
“辛苦”的近義詞/同義詞:辛勞, 費力, 吃力, 勞累, 勞苦, 忙碌, 勞頓, 勞碌。...
“辛苦”的拼音為:xīn kǔ...
他正在辛苦地干活.He was sweating like a bullock.教授正在辛苦地編字典.The professor is drudging at dictionary - compiling.全村日夜辛苦地干著,要在9月的雨季之前收割并打完今年的莊稼.The whole village has been working day and night gathering and threshing this year'...
那些全是憑辛苦的勞動得來的。That's down to pure hard work.毫無疑問,撫養(yǎng)孩子是件很辛苦的事。Bringing up a baby is undeniably hard work.他的勝利被視為訓練期間所有辛苦的回報。His victory was seen as payback for all the hard work he'd put in during training....