檢查藥柜里過期或身份不明的藥品, 將它們倒入廁所.Check your medicine cabinet for expired or unidentified medicines. Flush them down the toilet.本站點的證書頒發(fā)商不可信或身份不明. 要繼續(xù) 嗎 ?The Certificate Issuer for this site is untrusted or unknown. Do you wish t...
“身份”的英語可以翻譯為:status,capacity,identity,dignity,degree ...
他的辦公室與其身份和閱歷相稱。His office was in keeping with his station and experience.有人擔心他會因丑聞而辱沒了身份。There were fears he would be dragged down by the scandal.死者的身份現(xiàn)在已經確定。The identities of the deceased have now been determined....
“身份”的拼音為:shēn fen...
這么多年來,頭一回有人要我出示身份證。For the first time in many years, I got carded.用電子掃描器來檢驗身份證。The identity cards are examined by an electronic scanner.我們外出時應隨身攜帶身份證.We should have identification card on the person when we go out....
“身份證”的英語可以翻譯為:[法] certificate of identification,identification card,identity card,ID card,i.d.card ...