我媽媽充當了澤爾達和她媽媽之間的調解人。My mom was the one who mediated between Zelda and her mom.誰在爭端中充當調解人?Who will act as mediator in the dispute.我主動充當調解人,促使雙方和解.I offered to act as mediator and tried to bring about a reconciliation betw...
“調解的”的英語可以翻譯為:intercessory,mediatorial,mediatory ...
“調解”的近義詞/同義詞:調停, 斡旋, 調和, 排解, 調處, 轉圜, 協(xié)調, 融合。...
“調解”的反義詞:挑撥, 調唆, 挑唆。...
“調解”的拼音為:tiáo jiě...
“調解人”的英語可以翻譯為:[經] conciliator,mediator,intercessor,pacifier,referee ...
“調解”的英語可以翻譯為:mediate,make peace,arbitrate,adjust,compose ...
第三方所作的從中調解的一切努力均告失敗All efforts of mediation by a third party were in vain at all.所有調解的建議均遭拒絕.I 5 eIFn ; 9 midI ` eFEn / n [ U ]: All offers of mediation were rejected.第三方所作的從中調解的一切努力均告失敗.All efforts of mediation by the t...
英國雇傭法包括解決勞資糾紛的仲裁和調解機制。UK employment law embodies arbitration and conciliation mechanisms for settling industrial disputes.他的調解可能會幫上該部落的忙。His intercession could be of help to the tribe.對總統(tǒng)安全的擔憂可能會給他的調解使命蒙上陰影。Fears for the...