“上訴狀”的英語可以翻譯為:[法] appeal,petition for appeal ...
“反訴狀”的英語可以翻譯為:[法] cross bill ...
訴訟從提交訴狀開始.A lawsuit begins with the filing of a complaint.刑事訴狀的措辭不正確.The indictment was incorrectly worded.訴狀中應(yīng)該說明上訴的理由.The appeal statement should specify the grounds of the appeal....
“訴狀”的拼音為:sù zhuàng...
“訴狀”的英語可以翻譯為:[律] plaint,indictment,petition,record ...
在上訴狀上, 最高法院推翻了這一判決.On appeal, the Supreme Court reversed.被上訴人在收到上訴狀副本后, 應(yīng)當(dāng)在三十日內(nèi)提出答辯狀.Having received a copy of the written appeal , appellee shall produce a reply within 30 days.張樂奕在上訴狀中認(rèn)為, 一審法院判決不妥.Zhang Leyi thinks in ...