“講解員”的英語可以翻譯為:expostor,commentator,interpreter ...
“講解”的拼音為:jiǎng jiě...
“講解”的英語可以翻譯為:explain,interpret,expound ...
講解員要我們注意另一幅畫.The guide directed our attention to the other picture.我們雇了六個女孩作為電腦展覽會的講解員.We have recruited six girls to act as hostess at the computer show.講解員給觀眾講了一句不太要緊的話.The speaker directed a side remark to the gallery...
每一部分都用圖片講解。Each section is explained pictorially.同學(xué)們對老師用風(fēng)趣的方式講解他們的錯誤很感興趣.The students enjoyed their teacher's bantering them about their mistakes.你給孩子們講解要設(shè)法講得簡單明了.Try to simplify your explanation for the children....
“講解”的近義詞/同義詞:解說, 講授, 講明, 詮釋, 批注, 疏解。...