這些保守派是寧肯死了也不認輸?shù)?The Old Guard dies but it never surrenders. "那些天殺的不認輸哇,反正這也不是咱們開的頭.The goddams will not yield to tender handling . We did not begin it.盡管面對著一切論據(jù),他頑固地拒不認輸.In spite of every argument he obstinately refused ...
“認輸”的英語可以翻譯為:admit defeat,throw in the sponge,give up,acknowledge the corn,give the battle ...
“認輸”的拼音為:rèn shū...
“不認輸”的英語可以翻譯為:gameness ...
56歲的賴納在比賽中幾乎已經向對手認輸了。Reiner, 56, has all but conceded the race to his rival.有力的證據(jù)使被告認輸了.The defendant was borne down by the weight of evidence.他發(fā)誓決不認輸.He vowed he would never throw in the towel....