“裁”的英語可以翻譯為:cut into parts,reduce,cut down [back],dismissmental planning,check,sanction,form(整張紙分成的相等的若干份; 開) division of standard size printing paper ...
“仲裁人”的英語可以翻譯為:arbiter,arbitrator,referee,umpire,daysman ...
“仲裁者”的英語可以翻譯為:intercessor,intermediary,[法] amiable compositers,mediator,interceder ...
這些女裁縫圍著模特兒衣架嘰嘰嘎嘎地討論衣服這里或那里要做的小改動。The seamstresses cluck around a dummy, discussing a tuck here and there.他穿著在倫敦裁縫街定制的西裝。He was wearing a Savile Row suit.裁縫量了我的尺寸準備為我做套新衣服.The tailor took my measure for a new suit....
裁定書應(yīng)當送達雙方當事人和仲裁機構(gòu).The above - mentioned written order shall be served on both parties and the arbitral organ.裁定書應(yīng)當送達雙方當事人的仲裁機構(gòu).Written orders shall be served to the litigants of both parties and the arbitration organ....
“裁定”的拼音為:cái dìng...
“裁決”的拼音為:cái jué...
“裁定者”的英語可以翻譯為:[法] adjudicator ...
“裁軍”的拼音為:cái jūn...
他為自己對裁判的出言不遜道了歉。He has apologised for critical remarks he made about the referee.裁判的裁定是不可更改的。The umpire's decision is final.他贏得了公平裁判的榮譽。He won renown as a fair judge....
“獨裁”的近義詞/同義詞:專制, 專橫, 專政。...
“仲裁”的英語可以翻譯為:arbitrate,arbitration,arbitrage,intercede,intercession ...
“獨裁”的拼音為:dú cái...
這套衣服裁制得很好.The suit was well tailored.裁制合適的上衣應(yīng)該很合身.A well - tailored jacket ought to set well.紅軍為她特地裁制了一套軍服.The Reds had tailored her a special uniform....
“仲裁”的近義詞/同義詞:評斷, 評議。...
“裁員”的英語可以翻譯為:cut down the number of persons employed,reduce the staff ...
陪審團裁決全國橄欖球聯(lián)盟觸犯了反壟斷法。The jury found that the NFL had violated antitrust laws.他因有外遇而要面臨紀律聽證會的裁決。He will now face a disciplinary hearing for having an affair.他可以將此事交由高等法院裁決。He could refer the matter to the high court....
LoveHappens將于11月26日在澳大利亞上映.Love Happens is released in Australia on November 26.奇跡就是看似不可能,卻發(fā)生了。A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway.如果你等待,發(fā)生的只有變老。If you wait, all that happens is that you get o...
“裁軍”的英語可以翻譯為:disarmament ...
“裁判的”的英語可以翻譯為:juridical ...
“仲裁員”的拼音為:zhòng cái yuán...
“裁剪”的英語可以翻譯為: cut into certain shape,tailor,trim ,cut and give form,cut out ...
業(yè)余壘球協(xié)會的裁判員名單上的人數(shù)已經(jīng)減少到了57,000名。The Amateur Softball Association's roster of umpires has declined to 57,000.這位脾氣暴躁的隊員曾和裁判員發(fā)生過無數(shù)次爭吵。The fiery player has had numerous run-ins with referees.隊員們對裁判員的裁決感到非常氣憤.The team was ...
她看見了埃利斯,他穿著一身裁剪合體的素凈的黑西裝。She saw Ellis, soberly dressed in a well-cut dark suit.主帆是用真正的厚篷帆布手工裁剪和縫紉而成的。The mainsails are hand-cut and sewn from real sailcloth.用直尺比照著,將布料裁剪成合適的尺寸.Using the straight edge as a guide, trim th...
他在神學和政治事務(wù)上都是最終的仲裁人。He was the ultimate arbiter on both theological and political matters.英國雇傭法包括解決勞資糾紛的仲裁和調(diào)解機制。UK employment law embodies arbitration and conciliation mechanisms for settling industrial disputes.公司應(yīng)該將其要求交...
“獨裁權(quán)”的英語可以翻譯為:dictatorship,[法] autarchy ...
“裁判員”的英語可以翻譯為:ef,referee,[法] judge,ump,umpire ...
“裁縫”的拼音為:cái feng...