“林蔭路”的英語可以翻譯為:avenue,mall ...
“樹蔭”的英語可以翻譯為:shade (of a tree),tree shade,umbrage,[電影]The Arbo...
“林蔭道”的拼音為:lín yīn dào...
這會正是克里舍林蔭路最熱鬧的時刻.The Avenue de Clichy was crowded at that hour.華麗的帶有巴洛克風(fēng)格的菩提樹林蔭路把人們帶回16世紀(jì).A magnificent baroque arbor of lindens brings you to 16 th century.林蔭路是個和狗一起玩飛碟的好地方.The Mall is a better place to play Frisbee wit...
待在樹蔭下!Keep in the shade!多葉的樹下有樹蔭.Leafy trees cast shade.我們坐到樹蔭下去涼爽涼爽 吧.Let's sit in the shade and keep cool....
“蔭度”的英語可以翻譯為:arboricity ...
“蔭蔽”的拼音為:yīn bì...
他們蹲在多蔭的山坡上.They crouched together on a shadowy hillside.兩棵芳香撲鼻的大桔子樹, 綠葉成蔭, 給人以爽涼之感.Two large orange trees, now fragrant with blossoms, threw a delicious shade.樹木成蔭可以遮擋熾熱的陽光.The shady trees provide protection against the ...
她到草木成蔭的地方去看她喜愛的野花是否已經(jīng)開放.She went to sheltered parts to see if favourite wild flowers had begun to blow.在那些樹木成蔭的隱居所的庇護(hù)下.Youd make , in the shelter of those shady retreats.時光不再啊, 烏鴉棲息在成蔭的松樹主枝上,向我發(fā)出嘲笑.Not any more, mocked t...
那涼爽和蔭蔽的環(huán)境減少了我心里的激動,把我?guī)нM(jìn)一種夢幻般的快樂的境界.The coolness and shade soothed my excited mind into a condition of dreamy pleasure.哪些地方是陽光直射的,哪些是蔭蔽的.Also note the sun exposure and shade throughout the day.生境與生態(tài): 生于林下半蔭蔽環(huán)境. 花期: 4-10月....
一般來說, 樹蔭的種類可以分為深度樹蔭, 局部樹蔭和斑點(diǎn)樹蔭.Generally, the types of shade can be divided into deep shade, part shade, and dappled shade....
兩邊栽有歐椴樹的林蔭道an avenue of limes兩邊有雄偉高大栗樹的林蔭道an avenue of stately chestnut trees寬闊的林蔭道上,汽車川流不息.Automobiles speed in an endless stream along the boulevard....
“林蔭道”的英語可以翻譯為:oulevard,avenue,mall,alameda ...
“樹蔭”的拼音為:shù yīn...
“蔭蔽”的英語可以翻譯為:e shaded or hidden by foliage,cover,conceal,shadowing ...
“成蔭的”的英語可以翻譯為:shady,umbrageous,umbriferous,adumbral ...
“蔭蔽”的近義詞/同義詞:隱蔽, 埋沒, 潛伏, 潛匿, 藏匿, 湮沒, 隱秘, 隱藏。...