在這國難當(dāng)頭之際,愿蒼天幫助我們大家.God help us all at this time of national disaster.蒼天作證, 我確實(shí)已盡力而為了.Heaven only knows; I have tried hard enough.但愿蒼天有眼, 讓他們到水銀礦上去作苦工.By heaven, they ought to be worked in quicksilver mines....
他引經(jīng)據(jù)典地說: “ 這座城堡的處所何等壯美, 蒼天的氣息令人 心醉!He quoted , " This castle hath a pleasant seat. Also, the heaven's breath smells wooingly here ! "有時(shí)候蒼天的巨眼照得太灼熱.Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines.我們是 腳踏實(shí)地, 頭頂蒼天的民族, 昂首于世界民族...