如果你的學生有昵稱或綽號,也包括在這里.If your Student a nickname will be included here....
“綽號”的近義詞/同義詞:外號, 花名, 混名, 諢名。...
“綽號”的拼音為:chuò hào...
當他大一點時,我給他起了個“小阿爾夫”的綽號。When he got older I nicknamed him Little Alf.安德魯聽到雷切爾給嬰兒起的綽號時,不禁高興得大笑起來。Andrew roared with delight when he heard Rachel's nickname for the baby.家人為他起的廣東話綽號意思是NeverSitsStill(從來坐不?。?。His family...
給別人起綽號可不好.It's not a good habit to surname for others.那些孩子每次見到我都給我起綽號.Those kids call me names every time they see me....