“陶結(jié)塊”的英語可以翻譯為:keramzite ...
“結(jié)塊”的英語可以翻譯為:packing,caking,blocking,[冶] agglomeration ...
“結(jié)塊”的拼音為:jié kuài...
如果你不好好攪動,麥片粥會結(jié)塊的.This oatmeal lumps if you don't stir it well.假若你不好好攪動,這麥片粥會結(jié)塊的.This oatmeal lumps if you do not stir it well.本文對結(jié)塊的原因及其預(yù)防措施做了詳細的分析.In this paper, the cause of caking of fertilizer and preventive are...
米飯沒煮好會結(jié)塊,而且軟黏黏的。When the rice isn't cooked properly it goes lumpy and gooey.血開始結(jié)塊變黑。The blood had begun to cake and turn brown.如果你不好好攪動,麥片粥會結(jié)塊的.This oatmeal lumps if you don't stir it well....