
阿卡英語 / 查找:籌款” [共找到5條結果]
  • 籌款的”造句

    朱利安想出了不少籌款的新辦法。Julian has been thinking up new ways of raising money.有人能想出籌款的辦法 嗎 ?Can anybody think of a way to raise money?他說: “ 用特倫斯玩具熊籌款的想法真的啟動了. ”He said: " Terence was a fundraising idea that really took off. "...
  • 籌款”造句

    朱利安想出了不少籌款的新辦法。Julian has been thinking up new ways of raising money.每年我們都有慈善日來籌款幫助貧困人群。Every year we have charity days to raise money for unfortunate people.你是在為慈善事業(yè)籌款嗎?Are you collecting for charity?...
  • 籌款”怎么讀?

    “籌款”的拼音為:chóu kuǎn...
  • 籌款的”用英語怎么說?

    “籌款的”的英語可以翻譯為:fundraising ...
  • 籌款”的英語

    “籌款”的英語可以翻譯為:aise funds [money],money collecting,fundraising,raise the wind ...