她長腿細臀,身姿筆直。Her legs were long and fine, her hips slender, her carriage erect.服務員筆直站立著,餐巾折疊著放在他們的手臂上。The waiters stood to attention with napkins folded over their arms.她已經75歲了,腰板仍然筆直。At 75, she's still ramrod straigh...
公路平坦而筆直地向前延伸。The highway stretched out flat and straight ahead.海倫筆直地坐在椅子上。Helen sat upright in her chair.我喜歡她的頭發(fā)筆直地垂下來.I like the way that her hair hangs down....
“筆直地”的英語可以翻譯為:as the crow flies,straightforwards,uprightly ...
她烏黑的頭發(fā)中有條筆直的白色分縫,仿佛將她的后腦勺一分為二。The straight white part in her ebony hair seemed to divide the back of her head in half.那是力爭上游的一種樹,筆直的干,筆直的枝.With straight trunks and branches , white poplars aim high.他揮臂指向筆直的地平線.He waved h...
“筆直”的反義詞:蜿蜒, 曲折, 彎曲, 卷曲。...
“筆直”的拼音為:bǐ zhí...
“筆直”的英語可以翻譯為:ectitude,perfectly straight,straight as a ramrod,bolt upright,directness ...
“筆直的”的英語可以翻譯為:erect,ramrod,straight,straightforward ...