“穹”的英語可以翻譯為:vault,dome,the sky,fornix ...
“穹窿”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] fornix,trigonum cerebrale,cove ...
建筑工人在8根細柱上架起輕巧的混凝土穹頂。The builders have perched a light concrete dome on eight slender columns.天空中穹頂與尖塔的輪廓深深刻在了我的記憶中。The skyline of domes and minarets was imprinted on my memory.圣保羅大教堂的穹頂the dome of St Paul's Cathedr...
“蒼穹”的拼音為:cāng qióng...
“蒼穹”的英語可以翻譯為:[書] (天空) the vault of heaven,the firmament,welkin,[電影]Blue Sky...
“穹隆形”的英語可以翻譯為:archivolt ...
建筑工人在8根細柱上架起輕巧的混凝土穹頂。The builders have perched a light concrete dome on eight slender columns.天空中穹頂與尖塔的輪廓深深刻在了我的記憶中。The skyline of domes and minarets was imprinted on my memory.圣保羅大教堂的穹頂the dome of St Paul's Cathedr...
“天穹”的拼音為:tiān qióng...
“穹形”的拼音為:qióng xíng...
“穹頂”的拼音為:qióng dǐng...
“穹頂”的英語可以翻譯為:[建] dome,vault ...
“穹形”的英語可以翻譯為:quaquaversal,vaulted,arched ...
那廣漠的天穹變得雪亮, 猶如一盞巨燈的圓頂.The great vault brightened, like the dome of an immense lamp.彤云密布的天穹低得出奇.The vast arch of cloud above was strangely low.隨便什么東西,艾萊柯都能點石成金, 金光閃閃的財富越堆越高,直逼天穹.Everything Aleck touched turned to fairy go...
“穹隆形”的拼音為:qióng lóng xíng...
在他的四周,從東到西,從北向南,蒼穹里到處繁星閃閃。All around him, from east to west, north to south, the stars glittered in the heavens.他又跳, 又吼,又叫, 使盡各種伎倆來攪擾這蒼穹.He danced , howled, raved , and otherwise disturbed the welkin.難道我們那點朦朧的智慧能探索出繁星密布的...
這是尖拱式樣嫁接于開闊穹''.'窿'. ''的一種風(fēng)格.It is the graft of the pointed upon the arch.方法: 經(jīng)胼胝體-透明隔 - 穹窿間入路切除顱咽管瘤10例.Methods: Cranipharyngioms in 10 cases were removed by trans callosal - septum pellucidu...
“天穹”的英語可以翻譯為:[天] the vault of heaven,firmament,zenith,vault ...