珊瑚礁是由許多相同的微生物不斷堆積而成。A coral reef is built by the accretion of tiny, identical organisms.珊瑚礁上的多種生命形式the multifarious life forms in the coral reef大浪不斷沖擊著那珊瑚礁.Big waves hammered at the coral reef....
“硬礁巖”的英語可以翻譯為:klintite ...
“礁石”的拼音為:jiāo shí...
我終于爬上了一塊潮濕傾斜的暗礁。I managed to pull myself up onto a wet, sloping ledge.由于多暗礁,在這條河上航行很困難.Navigation is difficult on this river because of hidden rocks.船從暗礁之間穿過.The ship threaded her way between the hidden rocks....
“珊瑚礁”的拼音為:shān hú jiāo...
一塊塊的石頭被鞏固在珊瑚礁的礁巖上.The lumps were cemented to the reef with coral.船緩緩?fù)ㄟ^那些礁巖.The boat nosed its way through the rocks.這里也有凜冽荒涼的海邊那種礁巖嶙峋, 沙丘起伏的景色.It possessed every outcropping of rock, every curve of dune on a barren and g...
“沙礁”的英語可以翻譯為:cay ...
“小礁島”的拼音為:xiǎo jiāo dǎo...
“環(huán)礁湖”的英語可以翻譯為:atoll lake,lagoon ...
“硬巖礁”的英語可以翻譯為:klint ...
“暗礁”的拼音為:àn jiāo...
“礁巖”的拼音為:jiāo yán...
“巖礁”的英語可以翻譯為:ledge,lithoherm,cay,rock ...
他正在環(huán)礁湖里與一只短吻鱷搏斗。He was grappling with an alligator in a lagoon.鯨會(huì)遷移6,000海里左右,到溫暖的環(huán)礁湖生殖繁衍。The whales migrate some 6,000 miles to breed and calve in the warm lagoons.睡意籠罩著他,就象纏綿腦際的蜃樓幻影正在同五光十色的環(huán)礁湖景致一比高低.Sleep enveloped him ...
他正在環(huán)礁湖里與一只短吻鱷搏斗。He was grappling with an alligator in a lagoon.島的附近有險(xiǎn)礁和淺灘.There are dangerous rocks and shallows near the island.這條木筏劃近巖礁,然后迅速轉(zhuǎn)向避開.The raft came close to the rocks and then sheered away....
“珊瑚礁”的英語可以翻譯為:cay,kay,key,coral reef ...
“生物礁”的英語可以翻譯為:iogenic reef ...
“巖礁”的拼音為:yán jiāo...
“小礁”的拼音為:xiǎo jiāo...
“暗礁”的英語可以翻譯為:eef,submerged reef [rock],sunken reef [rock],ledge,[電影]Passion's Way...
“微環(huán)礁”的英語可以翻譯為:microatoll ...
油輪緊卡在礁石中間動(dòng)彈不得。The tanker is stuck fast on the rocks.海水沖擊礁石, 激起高高的浪花.Swashing against the rocks, the breakers sent up a fountain of spray.海浪沖擊著礁石, 飛起像珠子般的水花.The wave lashed against the rocks, sending up pearly spray....
生物礁由海綿障積巖組成, 屬于臺(tái)地邊緣礁.The reefs consist of sponge bafflestones, which belong to platform margin reefs.并主要運(yùn)用STRATA速度反演剖面來預(yù)測(cè)生物礁厚度變化的分布范圍,勾繪出生物礁儲(chǔ)層的厚度變化分布圖.Mostly applying the STRATA velocity inversion section predicts the di...
“礁石”的英語可以翻譯為:eef,rock,riff ...
“礁湖”的英語可以翻譯為:Haff,lagoon ...
他正在環(huán)礁湖里與一只短吻鱷搏斗。He was grappling with an alligator in a lagoon.鯨會(huì)遷移6,000海里左右,到溫暖的環(huán)礁湖生殖繁衍。The whales migrate some 6,000 miles to breed and calve in the warm lagoons.一環(huán)小島圍繞著礁湖.A girdle of islands enclosed the lagoon....
“礁湖”的拼音為:jiāo hú...
“小礁島”的英語可以翻譯為:cay ...