他們最終的目標是為匈牙利建立起市場經(jīng)濟體制。Their ultimate aim was a market economy for Hungary.我干脆利落地擊球,命中了目標。I struck the ball cleanly and my shot was on target.他把找到那座島嶼當成自己的人生目標。He made it his object in life to find the island....
“目標”的近義詞/同義詞:目的, 方針, 主意, 宗旨, 傾向, 方向, 對象, 標的。...
它是通過無線電和雷達控制裝置而導向其指定目標的.It is guided to its destination by radio and radar control.為敵人指示轟擊目標的.Pointing out bombing or shelling targets to the enemy.效仿那些和你有著同樣目標而已經(jīng)達到目標的人.Emulate those who have already achieved what you a...
“目標”的拼音為:mù biāo...
“目標的”的英語可以翻譯為:[法] objective ...