每年冬天頭皮屑都困擾著他.Every winter he has a problem with dandruff in his hair.由于頭皮屑,我的頭都要癢死了.My head is itching to death because of dandruff.我的頭皮滿是頭皮屑,又很癢, 有辦法治 嗎 ?My scalp is full of dandruff and itchy. Is there a cure?...
作用: 番木瓜含有木瓜蛋白酶, 一種有助于皮屑脫落的物質(zhì).How it works: Papaya contains papain, an exfoliant that helps slough dead skin.常見的過敏原包括花粉, 動(dòng)物皮屑, 絨羽, 螨類, 化學(xué)品, 以及各種食品.Common allergens include pollen, animal dander, down feathers, mites, chem...