“畫眉鳥”的英語可以翻譯為:throstle,wood thrush ...
“畫眉”的拼音為:huà méi...
在異常的寂靜中,一只畫眉鳥啼叫著.In the utter silence a blackbird shouted.灌木叢中畫眉盡情地叫著, 燕子高飛, 頭上的樹葉子閃閃發(fā)光.Black - birds sang recklessly in the shrubbery, swallows were flying high, the leaves above him glistened.二十四只黑畫眉, 被放在派里面烤!Four fat ...
“畫眉”的英語可以翻譯為:[動] Garrulax canorus,babbling thrush,babbler,chatterer,thrush ...
畫眉鳥在樹林邊鳴唱.The blackbirds were whistling on the edge of the woods.畫眉鳥柔和的唱著歌,還有那嬌媚的紫羅蘭競相開放.The the thrushes they were warbling, The violets they were charming.一只畫眉鳥在枝頭歌唱.A blackbird was warbling from the branch....