
阿卡英語 / 查找:牢房” [共找到5條結果]
  • “小牢房”造句

    他們已把犯人監(jiān)禁在小牢房里.They have locked the prisoners up in their cell.他們把大監(jiān)獄隔成很多小牢房.They walled off the large prison into lots of very small cells.他看見一座不成格局的黑色監(jiān)獄,許許多多黑色小牢房里都住著人.He saw a black sprawling prison full of tiny black ...
  • “小牢房”的英語?

    “小牢房”的英語可以翻譯為:a cellule...
  • 牢房”造句

    他和其他10名犯人被囚禁在一間狹窄的牢房里。He is cooped up in a cramped cell with 10 other inmates.獄吏沖進牢房把他吊死了。Guards rushed into his cell and strung him up.他們把他扔進牢房,揍了他幾下。They threw him in a cell and roughed him up a bit....
  • 牢房”的英語

  • 牢房”的拼音?

    “牢房”的拼音為:láo fáng...