爸爸打來電話讓我去他辦公室一趟。Daddy called and asked me to drop by his office.爸爸的辦公室里總有大量的廢紙。There's always tons of scrap paper in Dad's office.“他們演奏經典搖滾樂,”她的男朋友說道,“我爸爸也喜歡他們?!?They play classic rock'n"roll,' states...
小剛的阿爸是全寨子的山歌王.Xiao Gang's father is the prince of folk singing in his village.巴西圣誕老人被叫做“圣誕阿爸”.Brazil Father Christmas is called Papai Noel.所受的乃是兒子的心,因此我們呼叫 阿爸, 父.And by him we cry , " Abba, Father. "...
肯普先生,特德一直很難相處——像他爸。Ted's always been difficult, Mr Kemp — he takes after his dad.“爸,”他說,“我覺得不舒服?!?Pa," he said, "I don't feel well."他爸對他要錢的請求給了明確的拒絕.His father gave him a clear no to his request for money....
“爸”的英語可以翻譯為:[口] (父親) pa,dad,dada,father,Dad ...
“爸爸”的拼音為:bà ba...