“油煎的”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)]fr.,fried ...
“煎蛋卷”的英語可以翻譯為:omelet ...
“薄煎餅”的拼音為:báo jiān bǐng...
“油煎”的英語可以翻譯為:fry,panfry,sauté,panbroil ...
將油加熱,然后放入魚片煎炸。Heat the oil and deep-fry the fish fillets.豬肉煉出的油可用來煎炸食物.The grease from pork can be used for frying.把蝦用半煎炸法炸至金黃,取出瀝油,上碟.Shallow - fry the shrimps until golden brown . Drain well . Dish....
這種稍加變化的可口煎蛋卷做起來又快又容易。This delicious variation on an omelette is quick and easy to prepare.煎蛋卷包餡應(yīng)該是軟的。Omelettes should be runny in the middle.我馬上就能做好煎蛋卷.I can easily whip up an omelette....
“煎炸”的英語可以翻譯為:frying ...
“油煎”的拼音為:yóu jiān...
快速把肉油煎一下,以保住其美味.Fry quickly to seal in the flavor of the meat.我們星期六的午飯總有一道油煎菜.We always have a fry - up for Saturday lunch.我們有法式油煎的 、 家常油煎的和蔥炒的.We also have French fried, home fried and lyonnaised....
“煎”的英語可以翻譯為:fry in shallow oil,simmer in water,decoct,fry ...
“煎蛋卷”的拼音為:jiān dàn juǎn...
有一次,她用煎鍋狠狠地砸了我的頭。Once, she walloped me over the head with a frying pan.他用煎鍋把雞肉煎成焦黃色。He browned the chicken in a frying pan.在煎鍋里把肉末煎至棕色。Brown the mince in a frying pan....
在每個薄煎餅上攤上一些餡。Spread some of the filling over each pancake.薄煎餅系由蛋、面粉、牛奶等和成的糊狀物做成.Pancakes are made from batter.我吃了薄煎餅,李晴要了雞肉三明治.I had pancakes and Li Qing had a chicken sandwich....
“煎法”的英語可以翻譯為:decoction ...
我們把它切成薄片并用油煎.We cut it into thin slices and fry it.她在平底鍋里用油煎魚.She cooked the fish in oil in a pan....
“煎蛋餅”的英語可以翻譯為:omelet ...
“浸煎劑”的拼音為:jìn jiān jì...
“煎炸”的拼音為:jiān zhá...
“煎鍋”的英語可以翻譯為:frying pan ...
目的考察合歡皮水煎劑對戊巴比妥鈉誘導(dǎo)小白鼠產(chǎn)生催眠作用的量效關(guān)系.ObjectiveTo study the effect of Cortex Albiziae solution pentobarbital - induced hypnosis in mice.目的:研究咽炎濃煎劑的體外抗菌作用.OBJECTIVE To study on antibacterial action of mistura Yanyan composita ...
“煎法”的拼音為:jiān fǎ...
“煎劑”的英語可以翻譯為:[化] decoctum,[醫(yī)] apozem,elixation ...
將煎蛋餅放在烤架下用文火烘烤,直到表面凝固。Place the omelette under a gentle grill until the top is set.做煎蛋餅并不難, 但有竅門.Making omelettes isn't difficult, but there's a knack to it.我們有很多種類的煎蛋餅,比如西班牙煎蛋餅, 西式煎蛋餅和墨西哥煎蛋餅.We have a variety ...
我們有法式油煎的 、 家常油煎的和蔥炒的.We also have French fried, home fried and lyonnaised.我喜歡油煎的.I like them fried.這是用牛油煎的.It is fried in butter oil....
“薄煎餅”的英語可以翻譯為:pancake,blintze,blintz,chapatty,hot cake ...
“浸煎劑”的英語可以翻譯為:infusodecoction ...
將煎蛋餅放在烤架下用文火烘烤,直到表面凝固。Place the omelette under a gentle grill until the top is set.這種稍加變化的可口煎蛋卷做起來又快又容易。This delicious variation on an omelette is quick and easy to prepare.煎4分鐘左右,直到洋蔥變軟。Fry for about 4 minutes, until th...
目的: 探討傳統(tǒng)藥罐煎法與現(xiàn)代煎藥機(jī)煎法的異同.Objective: to approach the difference between traditional decoction gallipot and modern machine decoction....