“熱鬧”的拼音為:rè nao ...
“熱鬧”的反義詞:冷落, 冷清, 幽靜, 安靜, 冷靜, 孤寂, 凄涼, 蕭條, 寂寞, 清冷, 清靜, 靜僻, 枯寂, 偏僻, 僻靜, 冷僻。...
在熱鬧廣場的另一邊,攤販叫賣著熱狗和羊角三明治。Across the busy plaza, vendors sell hot dogs and croissant sandwiches.該漁港通常都是一派熱鬧繁忙的景象,很有地方色彩。The fishing boat harbour was usually bustling with lots of local colour.那里氣氛安寧而不熱鬧。Its atmosphere is o...
“熱鬧”的近義詞/同義詞:熱烈, 繁華, 喧鬧, 喧嚷, 繁盛, 蕃昌, 繁榮, 興盛, 旺盛, 榮華, 喧嘩, 煩囂, 吵雜, 嘈雜。...
事故是由為了看熱鬧而減速的人引起的。The accident was caused by people slowing down to rubber-neck.成千上萬的人趕來看熱鬧。Tens of thousands came to gawk.你為什么不參加踢足球而只是看熱鬧?Why don't you play football instead of just looking on?...
“看熱鬧”的英語可以翻譯為:watch the scene of bustle,be a looker-on,look on,see [watch] the fun ...
“看熱鬧”的拼音為:kàn rè nao...
“熱鬧”的英語可以翻譯為: lively,bustling with noise and excitement,abustle and astir,boisterous,jollification ...