過強的電流會使燈炮燒壞的.An abnormally high electric current may blow out the bulb.如潛水泵電機燒壞的降價20O元.Depreciate like what submersible pump electric machinery burns out 20 O yuan.不可能, 飛船會被燒壞的.That's impossible ! It will burn up....
“燒壞”的英語可以翻譯為:urnout,burning-out,burn out ...
“燒壞”的拼音為:shāo huài...
“燒壞的”的英語可以翻譯為:urned-out ...
電線短路,燒壞了。The wires had short-circuited and burnt out.水煮干了,鍋也燒壞了.The water had all boiled away and the pan was burned.有些酸的酸性強得可以燒壞木頭.Some acids are strong enough to burn the wood....