“炒菜鍋”的英語可以翻譯為:wok;cooking pot;Chinese pan...
她炒股有方,發(fā)了大財。She built up her fortune by cannily playing the stock market.說到炒股票的智慧,我倒覺得你用不著外行幫忙。When it comes to judiciousness in investing in stocks I don't think you need any outside amateur help.在牛市中炒股首先要樹立止損和止贏意識....
“炒作”的英語可以翻譯為:speculation (stock),sensationalization (news) ...
“炒魷魚”的英語可以翻譯為:[方] (a localism much used in Guangzhou and Hongkong) fry cuttlefish,dismiss sb. from office,fire sb. (美國人常用),give the sack (英國人常用) ...
將洋蔥放入平底鍋內(nèi),炒至略呈棕色。Put the onions in the pan and cook until lightly browned.在我對學校午餐的回憶中,印象最深刻的就是蔬菜總是炒過頭。Overcooked greens are my most vivid recollection of school dinners.上菜時,把炒好的韭蔥覆在魚上。To serve, top the fish with the cook...
要是我搞砸了,很可能會被炒魷魚。If I messed up, I would probably be fired.一名工人因醉酒而被炒魷魚.One of the workers was sacked for drunkenness.那是不是工作中有失誤就會被炒魷魚 呢 ?If you make mistake in your job, you'll be fired. Right?...
“炒股”的英語可以翻譯為:[財]agiotage,[財]scalp ...
傳統(tǒng)中式炒菜鍋是用碳鋼制造的.The traditional wok is made of carbon steel.在炒菜鍋或者更大的煎鍋中用中火熱一下黃油.Heat the butter in a wok or a large frying pan over medium heat....
他覺得這部影片炒作過頭了。He felt the film was hyped up too much.舒爾曼有點厭煩了對全女子隊的過度炒作。Schulman is a little tired of the hoo-ha about the all-women team.他新近的電影正被媒體大肆炒作.His latest movie is being hyped up by the media....
“炒魷魚”的拼音為:chǎo yóu yú...
我們今天有炒魷魚片.Today, we have got slice squid....