“漆黑的”的英語可以翻譯為:inky,jetty,pitch-black,pitch-dark,pitchy ...
“漆黑”的英語可以翻譯為:pitch-dark,pitch-black,jet-black,complete darkness,as dark as night ...
“漆黑”的拼音為:qī hēi...
“漆黑”的近義詞/同義詞:烏黑, 黑暗, 暗中, 昏暗, 暗淡, 墨黑。...
“漆黑”的反義詞:雪白, 皎潔, 明后。...
林恩進(jìn)入了這座漆黑的建筑物的內(nèi)部。Lyn went off into the dark bowels of the building.船靜悄悄地劃過漆黑的夜。The ship moved silently through the black void.夜晚在漆黑的森林中行走很是恐怖.It's eerie to walk through a dark wood at night....
燈熄了,屋里陷入一片漆黑。The light went out, and the room was plunged into darkness.就在那時,博物館陷入了一片漆黑。At that instant the museum was plunged into total darkness.房間里一片漆黑,我什么也看不見。It was pitch-dark in the room and I couldn't see a t...