“清新”的反義詞:污濁, 陳腐, 混濁, 陳舊, 腐敗。...
“清新”的拼音為:qīng xīn...
我吸了一大口清新的空氣。I gulped a breath of sweet air.他能聞到糞臭和清新的干草味。He could smell muck and clean fresh hay.清新的微風(fēng)和明亮的陽光很快就使索菲婭著迷了.The fresh breeze and bright sunshine quickly attracted Sophia....
徹底刷牙有助于口氣清新。A thorough brushing helps to freshen up your mouth.空氣稀薄清新,其間日光蒙眬,寒氣逼人。The air was thin and crisp, filled with hazy sunshine and frost.她的房子光線充足,空氣流通,清新整潔。Her house is light and airy, crisp and clean....
“清新”的英語可以翻譯為:pure and fresh,fresh ...
“清新”的近義詞/同義詞:清爽, 新穎, 嶄新, 新鮮。...